Paying the bills when your job has been eliminated or furloughed has made life hard. The cool part is that during this Pandemic, we are finding that lots of people have a heart, despite all of the negativity you hear.
Having a heart is exactly what Mario Salerno has shown to the tenants of his Brooklyn, NY apartment complex. It was a gift that no one was ready for. When the people who live in his building came out to empty their trash, leave for the store, or any other reason to walk out the door, they were greeted with a sign that told them their rent was waived for the month of April.
Since many people live paycheck to paycheck, Mario felt it was only right to make sure his tenants were able to have money to get groceries.
But Mario isn’t alone.
Christopher Armeli did the same thing as Mario for his tenants at his 8 locations in Lakewood, CO, but added May so they don’t have to pay rent for 2 months.
Just proof that there are good people in this world. If you can, pay it forward when you can.