
Free Tomato Blood…Ketchup

By News Oct 26, 2020 | 9:16 PM

What do Heinz and Halloween have in common? Blood.

Specifically, Tomato Blood.

If you are one of the creative TikTok’ers, this could be fun. Use the hashtags #HeinzHalloween and #Sweepstakes, then make a video that features Heinz ketchup in a Halloween themed video. Then fill out the form to win at HeinzHalloween.com.

From now until 11:59pm on Halloween, Heinz is giving you to the chance to win their limited edition Tomato Blood ketchup. 570 people will win a 2.25oz bottle.


What does it taste like? Who knows. Probably like tomato ketchup, but it is just cool to win something that is limited edition…and that means you can turn around and sell it on ebay next year.