
The Best Science Project About…Your “Cat’s Butthole”

By Steve King Apr 23, 2021 | 7:34 AM

Karden Griffin is a 6th Grader in Tennessee. He also entered a science fair project and probably should have won 1st prize for originality.

Kaeding spent quite a bit of time by putting lipstick on a certain part of his cats’ and followed the traces around the home to answer this simple question:

Does Your Cat’s Butthole Really Touch All the Surfaces in Your Home?

What did Kaedon’s research discover?

Long haired cats buttholes don’t touch anything except for their own fur.

Short and Medium haired cats were shown to not have their buttholes touch hard surfaces, but it was found on soft surfaces, like betting and sofas.

Kaedon’s mom, Kerry, said that she is extremely proud of her son. She’s also enjoying the fact that she is using her doctorate degree to help her son. Kerry has a phD in animal behaviour with an emphasis in feline behaviour..