
Nebraska, We Aren’t Gross

By Steve King May 17, 2021 | 8:20 AM

I have good news for us here in Nebraska, we rank 3rd from the bottom of the latest zippia list.

While normally that would be a bad thing, in this case it is a good thing, especially, when you consider what a trip to Walmart is like, how bad your local landfill smells like, how many use Mayo, and how many wear Crocs… yes the last 2 are really reasons that a state can be gross.

And that is the list we are at the bottom of period Which State is the Grossest?

Just so you know, Nebraska ranks 3rd from the bottom. That is only 2 spaces above Alaska in Montana. Pretty good company to be in when you think about it.

Who tops the list?

  1. Virginia
  2. South Carolina
  3. North Carolina
  4. Pennsylvania
  5. Texas
  6. New Jersey
  7. Connecticut
  8. Georgia
  9. Delaware
  10. New York

Aside from the 4 elements that make for a gross state I listed above, other elements were dirty air, trash and the spread of illnesses.

Source: Zippia