
Fortune Cookies Could Score A Lottery Win For You

By Steve King May 25, 2021 | 8:30 AM

If you like Chinese food, you may have a great opportunity to make a lot of money very quickly.

According to fortune cookie maker, OpenFortune, a study has shown that 146 people have won over $400 million dollars… from the lottery.

OpenFortune has come to find out from the research that people who open fortune cookies and find lottery numbers are more likely to actually play lottery by 79%…and over 90% of those people who play,  use the number the cookies gave them.

So far, Nebraska has had 3 winners who have used their fortune cookie lottery numbers and won.  If if you think those numbers are low, consider there are 8 other States who had none between 2008 and 2020, which include Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama.

You’ll probably want to know what numbers are hitting the most…well here they are: 14, 15, 22, 26 and 28.

So there you go, your post pandemic financial plan

Source: PRNewswire