
Nebraska’s Favorite Candy Is…

By Steve King Jun 15, 2021 | 8:39 AM

Betcha didn’t know that June is National Candy month…and here we go again. What candy does each state like the most.

It’s a tradition, you look at the kind of candy you’re state enjoys and then you think to yourself about how other States around you compare.

Let’s take Nebraska for example. Our favorite candy is Skittles?


Yes, Skittles.

So…we do not like chocolate the most? If we look at all the States around us chocolate is part of their favorite confections.

Iowa, South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, Missouri and Wyoming all have chocolate in their favorite candies.  I guess you could rejoice in the fact that Nebraska liking Skittles puts us in a unique class. We are only 1 of 7 States that chooses something that has a fruit taste over chocolate over chocolate.

Well, normally the candies you find are pretty notorious, yet no state listed Mounds or Peanut M&M’s as their favorites.   Yet though Wyoming seems to like Almond Joy, which is nothing more than a Mound’s bar with an almond.

Regardless, it’s a good reminder that in the end none of it matters, but it is either good bragging rights, or a good opportunity to mock another state based on what they eat most.

Source: Zippia