
New Girl Scout Cookie Coming Our Way

By Steve King Aug 23, 2021 | 8:15 AM

I know, it’s not even September, but the fat kid in me is getting kind of excited for girl scout cookies to be back. Every year we get Tagalog’s, Samoa’s, Thin Mints, Do-Si-Dos, you know all the good stuff.

This year the Girl Scouts have added another cookie to the lineup. Imagine a brownie with caramel flavoring and chocolate drizzle. Sounds pretty good doesn’t it? They are called Adventurefuls.

Well, unfortunately we’re going to have to wait just a bit, Girl Scott cookie season doesn’t happen until January and it runs through April. Just enough time to get our palate ready.

If you need a little help remembering, you can always sign up for reminders at www.girlscoutcookies.org

Here’s another good reason to buy cookies; this year the sales of these delicious baked goods will also have an added advantage to the Girl Scouts who sell them.. In the past it was just an expectation, until now. The cookie sale is now part of the badge the girls can earn called Cookie Business, which encourages these young women to become entrepreneurs.

Source: EatThis