
Lincoln City Libraries Announce the 85th Summer Reading Challenge

By Mark Vail May 26, 2022 | 6:00 AM

“Oceans of Possibilities” is the theme of its 85th annual Summer Reading Challenge from Lincoln City Libraries (LCL).  Registration begins today (May 26) and the challenge runs through July 31.

All registrants receive a free ticket to a Saltdogs baseball game and a chance for other prizes as well.  Vicki Wood, Youth Services Coordinator tells KLIN News the challenge is to read for 10-hours during the challenge.  She added, “We have people in our challenge who read 10-hours the first week, sometimes the first day.  We have some really big readers.”

Registration information and other details are available here  https://lincolnlibraries.org/summer-reading-challenge/

LCL also announced that for the first time since 2019, a full calendar of special library events is available for children, teens and adults. The calendar, which includes schedules for Library Learning Times and Around Town Storytimes is available at lincolnlibraries.org.